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4 Ways Non-Home Brands Can Tap into the New Mover Audience

Summer is around the corner, meaning it’s prime time for swimming, vacationing, relaxing, and, for some, moving homes.

April to September is the most common time of year for moving, thanks to nicer weather and summer breaks that allow families to relocate before the new school year starts. And many Americans are itching to change their scenery—55% of adults were either planning or considering relocation in 2024, according to a survey last year by Architectural Digest. Before this year, the number of people moving had declined significantly.

The fact that more people will be moving this year presents a massive opportunity for brands across industries to engage these consumers with relevant offers in their new locations. This opportunity is also lucrative, given that homeowners spend an average of almost $10,000 on goods in the first year after buying a new home. While furniture tends to make up a decent amount of this spending, new mover audiences make approximately 72 brand-related decisions during their move— and brand loyalty doesn’t always play a significant role. 

For non-furniture brands looking to acquire new customers when they are in buying mode, new movers present the perfect opportunity to create new brand loyalties and high lifetime value relationships. And given Programmatic Direct Mail’s ability to pair online buying intent with household addresses to reach decision-ready consumers, it’s the perfect channel for engaging this audience. Here are four creative ideas for non-furniture brands to tap into to engage the new mover audience.

1. Food + Meal Delivery

New homeowners are likely too overwhelmed by unpacking and getting used to their new surroundings to bother grocery shopping in person or cooking the first night in a new home. So, if you’re a food or meal delivery service, you should capitalize on the convenience factor with messaging such as, “Let us do some of the hard work for you” or “Too tired from unpacking to cook? Enjoy 30% off your first order.” 

Additionally, new movers are likely excited to try their new kitchens, so food delivery brands might consider messaging such as “Ready to break in your new kitchen?”

2. Brick-and-Mortar Stores

New residents have their work cut out when finding new local businesses to patronize. They’ll need everything from clothing to hardware, pet supplies, groceries, items for kids, and more. This makes the new mover audience ideal for driving in-store as they’ll want to familiarize themselves with the location and layout. Consider pairing your offers with dynamic store locations to show the closest store automatically.

3. Services

New movers need services just as much as physical goods, which presents another avenue for driving consumers into physical stores. Think automotive, beauty, fitness, health, dental, dry cleaning, and more. Many choose a provider based on location. For instance, sixty-two percent of patients select a healthcare provider based on a conveniently located office. 

A simple “Welcome to your new neighborhood location” postcard with an introductory offer can help entice new residents to try out your service or practice. The offer can be anything from the first week free in a gym membership to a free or discounted haircut or a free oil change with the purchase of another automotive service.

4. Internet and Cable

One of the first things movers want to set up in their new homes is internet and cable. In fact, 31% of adults likely to move said it would be more challenging to live without the Internet for two days after a move than to live without water!This presents a great opportunity to tap into “predicted movers” and target them with offers for swift internet and cable setup on their move-in day. Consider offering a discount code, as these consumers will likely have a few providers depending on the area. Or create a solution specifically for new movers, such as Xfinity’s “Move in a Minute” experience, designed to cut the time it takes to set up service by 95% whenever and from wherever customers choose.

Move Fast with PebblePost

PebblePost has a solution designed for all brands looking to reach new movers: our Optimized New Movers Audience. 

Optimized New Movers uses first-party data from 500+ brands and billions of real-time intent signals to refine the universe of new movers to those who share the attributes and behaviors with your best customers and have active purchase intent. With closed-loop performance and lift measurement, we use transaction match data to see what’s working and why, regardless of the point of sale, in real time. Using personalized creative, we drive new movers in-store by dynamically printing postcard creative with each recipient’s nearest store location address. Brand partners participating in our New Movers Beta Program have seen up to 25X iROAS. 

Ready to get the same results? Reach out to learn more about PebblePost’s Optimized New Mover Beta program!

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