You smell that? Everywhere, we are surrounded by the scents of Fall. It’s a veritable potpourri of crisp leaves, pumpkin spice, and PDM performance. And as we enter into this, the most hygge-inspiring season, we’re excited to share with you some game-changing improvements we’ve made to the PebblePost Platform that promise to help you better understand the pacing and performance of your Programmatic Direct Mail marketing program.
So, let’s pretend like this is a big ol’ pile of dry leaves and just jump in!
View Topline Metrics by Audience

Not all audiences are created (or should be measured) equally.
Now you can more quickly and easily isolate and understand the impact your Programmatic Direct Mail program has on people at different stages in their customer journey, whether they are Prospects, Customers, or part of a Custom segment, using an intuitive dropdown menu now available at the top of the Performance Dashboard.
Better Understand Conversion Rate Lift Earlier

One of the challenges with PDM is that while it has many of the same features and functionalities as digital, the attribution window is still longer due to the physical nature of the media. That can make it difficult when pacing performance against digitally-native channels.
With the inclusion of partially attributed data to the Performance Dashboard lift percentage meter, however, you can now glean insights into the incremental lift generated by your PDM program much sooner so you have the confidence to make decisions when it matters.
Try It and Tell Us What You Think!
Hopefully you’re as excited as we are about these updates and can’t wait to log into the platform and try them out for yourselves. And when you do, we hope you’ll share what you think with us! We’re always striving to deliver the features and capabilities you need to achieve your goals as a brand, so feedback is always welcome.